A logistics audit aims to illustrate and then evaluate the efficiency of the company’s logistics. The conclusions of the logistic audit indicate areas where improvement of logistics efficiency is necessary.
A logistics audit may concern different areas of logistics and that is why we propose to our clients modular solutions in the field of performing the logistics audit. Below we present typical, modular logistics audits carried out by us, including the basic scope of works:
Audit of the distribution process
- Identification of the status of the existing distribution network;
- Identification of cargo flows along with the flow of information in the distribution network;
- Dimensioning of the distribution process concerning the work efficiency;
- Assessment of network performance and distribution process;
- Working conclusions on the need and scope of reconstruction of the distribution process;
Audit of the storage process
- Identification of the existing state;
- Identification of cargo flows along with information flow;
- Dimensioning of the warehouse process concerning the work efficiency;
- Evaluating the efficiency of the warehouse process;
- Working conclusions regarding the need and scope of reconstruction of the warehouse process;
Audit of the inventory management process
- Identification of the existing state;
- Identification of basic inventory segments;
- Dimensioning the inventory management process – determining the variability of demand and selection of the strategy for stock replenishment, determining the level of the safe stock and the point calling the stock;
- Assessment of the efficiency of the inventory management process;
- Working conclusions regarding the need and scope of reconstruction of the inventory management process;
Audit of the transport process
- Identification of the existing state;
- Identification of cargo flows along with information flow;
- Dimensioning of the transport process concerning the work efficiency;
- Assessment of the efficiency of the transport process;
- Working conclusions regarding the need and scope of reconstruction of the transport process;